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Meeting sustainability demands posed by customers; using LCA to assess maritime sealing systems

The challenge

Lagersmit Sealing Solutions has been active in the maritime industry since 1856. They supply seals for ships, pumps and tidal turbines. One of Lagersmit’s customers demanded an environmental footprint, conform to ISO 14040.

The approach

In order to meet their customer demand, Hedgehog Company has conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) of three of Lagersmit's sealing solutions to help Lagersmit get insight into their environmental performance.

The results

The results of this study enabled Lagersmit to communicate the environmental performance of their seal in a transparent and quantitative way. 

Another direct result of the LCA study was that internal discussion arose at Lagersmit. Conducting an LCA not only forced Lagersmit to look into their supply chain, but also at their own production processes. This has led to an energy scan of their production processes and mapping their energy consumption.


Sustainability Expert & Team Lead

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