Environmental Cost Indicator

MKI score, True Pricing, or Shadow Costs. Translate environmental impact into euros or dollars for tenders, projects, or valuable insights.

MKI-score for Dutch tenders

Environmental costs in valuta

Communicate the real price

Some of the organisations we've helped so far

Do you need environmental impact translated into euros or dollars?

  • Formulate an MKI score for your tender
  • Communicate the environmental impact in euros or dollars to your consumers
  • Compare your product price with its environmental price
  • Internalise the negative externalities

Expressing environmental costs in monetary value can actually give you great insights

In the Netherlands, MKI scores are typically demanded during public tenders. Examples are ground, water, and road construction (GWW-werken) and building construction projects. Avoid missing out on tender advantages by engaging with our fast, efficient and professional team. However, insights into the environmental costs of your products can serve different and useful sustainability purposes. Get in touch today and explore this unique assessment methodology!

Our team has calculated many ECI- and MKI-scores for both products, materials and construction projects.

Clarity on your environmental costs

  • MKI scores for Dutch project tenders
  • MKI scores for construction products in the 'Nationale Milieudatabase'
  • Use ECI or True Pricing to communicate environmental costs to your consumers
  • Be planet-proof and internalise negative externalities


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Find out more about monetising environmental impact

Based your results, we give you an hour free consult on how to increase environmental performance and score better on your MKI.

In depth information

Our compensation partners

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A new way to calculate your ghg emissions

The free Hedgehog Carbon Platform

Do you want insights in the carbon emissions of your organisation? The Hedgehog Company’s Carbon Platform is a powerful tool that helps businesses understand and track their greenhouse gas emissions.

An image of the Hedgehog Company carbon dashboard
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