The biggest sustainability event for businesses in the Netherlands
Saro Campisano and Marijn Kansen went to the Dag voor Doendenkers from MVO Nederland; the biggest sustainability event for businesses in the Netherlands. It was an event with a specific focus on doing, turning contemplations and scenario’s into real acts. With themes as zero-waste, biomimicry, CSRD, sustainable value-chains and responsible leadership. And a day to meet and connect with other organisations to learn from each other's experiences.
The key-note of the day was Milan meyberg, he developed the AI-system 'Emissary of GAIA' which empowers forests, jungles and water-entities to literally speak-up for themselves. Where eco-system-data leads to the creation of avatars, that voice as representatives of nature the concerns and visions of our planet. Is this the way we will eventually invite our planet to our board-rooms and into our businesses? Can we give a voice to nature, and can AI help us do so?

Marijn: “It felt great to be surrounded by so many people who work for the same goal; more sustainability and a big change in the status-quo. This drive was what connected all the people I spoke to. Sustainability is a divers topic, with many different angles and ways to approach it. Think about legislations, corporate responsibility and the individual level. I see a lot of value in this holistic approach and the shared effort”.