At the end of the month, we are launching a complete redesign of our Hedgehog Carbon Platform. Our goal is to make the platform even more user-friendly and fully aligned with the needs of our users. Here’s a preview of what you can expect.
The Hedgehog Carbon Platform is our carbon accounting tool that allows companies to monitor their entire scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions themselves. We are now launching a completely new design to enhance user experience. In addition, we are adding a number of new features:
Own GHG inventory
Users will have the opportunity to build their own GHG inventory. With a personal GHG inventory, users can add their own inventory items and emission sources, as opposed to a predetermined set of emission references. This provides more accurate insights into the size of your carbon footprint.
You also have total flexibility and can update these emissions on an ongoing basis. This allows you to formulate your exact emission targets and reduction strategy.
Software-supported consultancy
Users can opt for targeted support from our experts, directly within the platform. Tailored to your needs, and easily scalable up or down.
Adding different entities
Different business entities, such as branches or locations, can now all be added and treated as separate entities.
Activity tracking in the platform
All activities within the platform are monitored and can be easily viewed. This is valuable for maintaining internal oversight, but also for external use (think audit trails). The focus in the new design is on collaboration and auditability.
Different user roles
To further enhance collaboration, different user roles can be added, each with their own rights. Different users can leave notes for each other, for example, linked to specific emission sources or points.
Further update: reporting function
The next update is already planned; we are currently working hard to add an AI-supported reporting function to the Platform. This will allow users to easily generate a report, in accordance with the GHG Protocol.
Context: why now is the time to start carbon accounting
Those who start carbon accounting now have time to gradually pick up this skill. Quite a bit of knowledge within your organisation is needed. By starting in phases, you can internally get the structure in order, so that when you are asked for your GHG inventory, you can switch quickly.
Joost Walterbos, co-founder of Hedgehog: “I see that many companies greatly underestimate how long it takes to effectively engage with carbon accounting. It really takes a few months, or rather half a year, to get your system in order. So if a client or supply chain partner asks you for your carbon footprint, and you have yet to start, then you are actually too late.
And those questions will come more and more; the first companies are CSRD-obliged this year, and the next group needs to prepare for this year. And thus, no company can really avoid it, as many smaller companies are thereby required to meet the demands of their larger supply chain partners.”