Scope 2 GHG emissions

Scope 2 includes emissions from direct energy usage but not emitted directly by company assets. Best example for scope 2 emissions is the generation of purchased electricity. The emissions do occur on the electricity production site. However the energy use is direct and can be influenced by company decision making. Other examples are direct heating or steam.

Reducing Scope 2 emissions

  1. Energy Efficiency Measures: Implement energy efficiency measures within facilities to minimize electricity consumption. This can include installing energy-efficient lighting, improving insulation, optimizing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and equipment.
  2. Renewable Energy Procurement: Transition to renewable energy sources for electricity consumption by procuring renewable energy certificates (RECs), power purchase agreements (PPAs), or installing on-site renewable energy generation systems like solar panels or wind turbines. This allows organizations to reduce their reliance on fossil fuel-based electricity and lower scope 2 emissions.
  3. Grid Decarbonization Advocacy: Engage with local utility providers and advocate for a cleaner grid by encouraging the adoption of renewable energy sources and phasing out coal or natural gas-based power generation. Collaborate with other businesses and organizations to collectively influence energy providers toward cleaner energy options.
  4. Energy Monitoring and Management: Implement robust energy monitoring systems to track energy consumption, identify areas of inefficiency, and optimize energy use. This can involve using smart meters, sub-metering specific areas, and implementing energy management software to analyze and optimize energy consumption patterns. Also, check for available subsidies for carbon and energy reduction measures in your country. In the Netherlands, for example, you can check the EIA and MIA lists.
  5. Employee Engagement and Behavior Change: Foster a culture of sustainability within the organization by raising awareness about energy conservation and encouraging employees to adopt energy-saving practices. Encourage employees to turn off lights and equipment when not in use, use natural lighting where possible, and promote energy-saving habits such as using energy-efficient settings on computers and other devices.
  6. Virtual Meetings and Remote Work: Encourage virtual meetings and remote work arrangements to reduce the need for travel and associated energy consumption. Utilize video conferencing and collaboration tools to minimize the carbon footprint associated with business travel and commuting.
  7. Green Building Design and Retrofits: Implement green building practices when designing new facilities or retrofitting existing ones. This can include optimizing building orientation for natural light, incorporating energy-efficient HVAC systems, utilizing sustainable construction materials, and improving insulation to reduce heating and cooling requirements.
  8. Life Cycle Assessments: Conduct life cycle assessments of products and services to identify areas of high carbon impact throughout the supply chain. Work with suppliers and partners to implement carbon reduction strategies and select more sustainable options.
  9. Carbon Offsetting: If scope 2 emissions cannot be entirely eliminated, consider investing in credible carbon offset projects. These projects help to compensate for emissions by supporting initiatives such as reforestation, renewable energy development, or methane capture projects.
  10. Continuous Improvement and Reporting: Establish clear targets and regularly measure and report on scope 2 emissions to monitor progress and identify opportunities for further reduction. Engage stakeholders and communicate the organization's commitment to reducing carbon emissions.

Remember that every organization's circumstances and opportunities may differ, so it's important to assess and prioritize actions based on their specific context and resources. Collaborating with sustainability experts and leveraging external resources can also provide valuable guidance and support throughout the emissions reduction journey.

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